WinPlan – a safe choice
WinPlan is the result of long-term cooperation. The product combines strong knowledge of the business sector with our company’s comprehensive programming expertise. If you are seeking a long-term business affiliate, DB-Manager, Inc., and WinPlan are a secure choice.
Easy to use
WinPlan has always been logical and easy to use. As you enter information for a quotation, a picture on the screen evolves, showing the information you have entered. This diminishes the possibilities for mistakes: unit types, sizing, profiles, lattice, mountings, handing and other necessary parts are all shown in the proper position.
Versatile and scalable
With WinPlan you can calculate quotations, produce illustrated quotations and order confirmations for customers, supervise sales, and supervise production and production load. You can also manage stock and purchase orders, logistics, billing, reporting and orders to parts manufacturers.
International business
The WinPlan system can be expanded to a subsidiary in another country or to an individual salesperson in order to allow everyone to use the same system. The software is available in Finnish, Swedish, Estonian and English. All print-outs, from quotations to order confirmations, are available in Russian as well. Export of products is supported by the currency function as well as by the versatile product structure, that can include separate export products.
WinPlan Lite—for mobile salespeople
WinPlan Lite is a salesperson’s tool. You don’t need an internet connection to the factory’s data network. It is easy to send orders to the factory and to receive updates from the factory.
WinPlan.Web—for customers
WinPlan.Web is a planning tool for customers. Customers can try different window and door options online on a house that looks like their own. Then a customer can send his pictures and information to a salesperson. The salesperson and customer can then together make the final selections for the pictures sent by the customer. WinPlan.Web is a tool that creates new contacts for salespeople cost-efficiently 24 hours a day.
The example videos of WinPlan
Order Handling
Order Handling is the core of the system. With this tool, your sales representative inputs customer orders and the orders are directly available for production. The main idea of the system is that all information is entered into the system just once.
Order handling includes:
- real-time cost-based offer calculation
- powerful cost-effectiveness indicator
- graphical appearance in customer reports
View the video of order handling
Material management
All information about material reservations and purchase orders is shown and compared against the stock balance. It is easy to overview stock situation for a certain period and order more items if these are falling below the minimum stock.
- sufficiency control overview
- stock handling tools
- purchase order handling
- inventory handling
Material management includes:
View the video of material management
Work Queue
This tool contains two main sub-tools: serialization and work queue. With the serialization a production controller can group the same kinds of products into one bigger series. This will considerably improve time handling in work spots.
The work queue gives you the opportunity to follow the status of orders or series. It is easy to check what face of production the orders are in and with this knowledge you can provide information to your customer about e.g. delivery time.